Ray White Erskineville | Alexandria | Glebe | Surry Hills

This September, we are Going The Distance to help bring cancer care closer to home for regional Australians.

We're going to get moving every day in September to reach our goal for the month. With your support, every km we cover will ensure more people across NSW can access life-changing, specialist cancer care, in an environment that feels like home.

Please support us by making a donation. All donations will help Chris O’Brien Lifehouse provide compassionate, research-driven cancer care, as well as holistic support services that ease the burden of distance for regional patients.

Thank you for your support!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Dan And Samantha White


Peter, Teresa, Shaun, Kris, Ercan & Matt


Kris Boghossian


Catherine Heilemann




Match Donation

Thank you for supporting Chris O'Brien Lifehouse.


James Natoli


Watson Blaikie


Lilli Mcmorrow

Well done Kate ... love your work :)


Tilly Talas

Inspirational! You go girl!


Kenneth Yardy

Go girl!



Love you honey! 😘


Alessio Tedesco


Teresa Lyras

So proud of you Enna…. Such a good cause 🩷


Sienna Lyras


Belinda Storino


Leigh Yardy

Love how you are dedicated to kicking cancer’s butt!


Sally Christie


Vicki Bickersteth

You've got this.


Steve Kish

Good work Kate. All the best from Sue and I.


Kristian Lyras



John Andrews

Like your treatment journey, enjoy the marathon, not the sprint! x


Michael Kotsohilis

Well done! Great effort!


Evonne Wali


Bryar Isgro

Proud of you guys!


Marie Hughes




Tamlyn Gresser

All the best Kate


Adreana Lorenzini (nonna)

Very proud of you Sienna 🥰🥰🥰


Michael D

Good on you Ari :)


Nicole Drakakis


Emma Yardy

Go gorl


Lauren & Hamish

You’re amazing! Go Kate!!


Kate Yardy


Anita Sano


Justin Deguara

Go Ying dont trip!


Kiki Cook

You’re a friggen rockstar!!


Mi-chelle Nixon-young

Well done Kate


Arielle Farrell



You’ve hit thism gorgeous x



Your positive words on perspective are inspirational. Each day is what we make it. Stay strong.


Elena Lampropoulos


Sienna Lyras


Bron Mandile

It was wonderful to meet you in India, Katie. Keep fighting the good fight!








Zainil Dempsey

All the best ARi.



